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TDA Welcomes Board Members and Announces New Workplan

February 3, 2022
Trenton Downtown Association - Announces New Board 2022

The nonprofit, which supports businesses in downtown Trenton, is actively seeking additional Board members.

TRENTON, N.J., February 3, 2022—Trenton Downtown Association has announced the election of five new members to its Board: Raoul Momo, Terra Momo Restaurant Group; Eric Poe, CURE Auto Insurance; Liad Onitiri, iPutOn Agency; Wayne Downing, Success Barbershop; and William “Butch” Osterman, owner of 113 S. Warren Street. A new representative from the mayor’s office, Andres Lomi, Real Estate Manager at The City of Trenton, was also appointed to the Board.

“The TDA Board of Directors is excited to welcome our new Board members and newly elected officers, who each bring new ideas and a unique perspective, as well as a strong shared commitment to supporting businesses in downtown Trenton,” says Roland Pott, Chairman of the Board, Trenton Downtown Association. In recent months, Bryan Evans was named Vice Chair and Anne LaBate was named Treasurer. They have both served on the TDA Board for several years.

“We are moving forward with a number of goals for 2022, which include further broadening and deepening our board of directors and supporting Commercial District Services in the implementation of a new, vital downtown work plan.”

Commercial District Services (CDS), the public space management company retained by the TDA Board to manage the Special Improvement District, is in the process of implementing new streetscape enhancements and quality-of-life improvements throughout the district. “We’re looking forward to supporting the newly elected members and helping to move the ball forward on a number of initiatives to expand the district’s beautification and public safety efforts,” says Chris Bernardo, President of CDS.

Bryan Evans, Vice Chair of the TDA Board, adds, “We’re excited about the new chapter ahead as we work together with our vendors and partners to present downtown as a clean and safe area with great amenities as well as opportunities for investment.”

TDA is actively seeking additional Board members to fill the seats of departing Board members Clark Martin, Hal English, Richard Patterson and Christien Nicole Brown. “We thank our recent Board members for their service, and welcome expressions of interest from qualified individuals as we seek to fill these seats,” relays Pott.

Individuals interested in serving on the TDA board should send an email, along with a brief bio or resume that states their interest, to info@trenton-downtown.com.

About Trenton Downtown Association

Trenton Downtown Association, located at 16 East Hanover Street, in the heart of downtown Trenton, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to strengthen and support the business district of New Jersey’s state capital with programs that promote its economic growth and investment. Its staff is involved in business recruitment and retention, public relations, advocacy, marketing support, referrals, partnership development and job creation.

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