Better Marketing Is in the Palm of Your Hand
Think you don’t have the time and money to promote your small business? If you have a smartphone, you can capture quality photos and videos that make your business stand out.
Master the Basics of Photography with these Simple Steps
- Take advantage of natural light. Whenever it makes sense, take photos outside at the beginning or end of the day. Sunrise and sunset are optimal times to get the most flattering images.
- Be wary of the zoom. It is a common mistake to zoom in to capture an object in the distance. You can sacrifice clarity by doing this. It’s better to keep your focus (literally) on getting the photo and cropping it later.
- Keep it steady. Even if you are using a smartphone, you may want to invest in a tripod.
- Apply the Rule of Thirds. The main subject of your photo should be off-center to create a more interesting image.
- Take multiple shots of the same thing, especially if you are capturing a moment on the fly. If you see something interesting, grab your camera or phone and shoot. Don’t worry about perfecting it; you can always go back and edit it later. The more you hit that shutter, the greater your chances of getting at least one decent shot.
- Try a different angle. Get low, get high, go sideways or artfully crooked. A slight change in angle can transform the ordinary into the artistic.
- Make your product or subject the star of your photos. If you own a restaurant, you want to show off the food. Up close, in focus and appetizing. If you own a clothing store, you want to display your merchandise in the best possible light. If you own a coffee or bookshop where people like to hang out, show the space too.
- Find an editing app or two you like and get comfortable using it, such as Adobe Lightroom, Snapseed and Canva. But remember, it’s possible to have too much of a good thing. Overediting to enhance your photos can make them look inauthentic.
- And finally, clean your lens! Yep, it may be one of the most obvious things to do. And one of the easiest to forget.
Of course, you can get a lot more fancy, but it's not necessary to get the job done. Just grab your smartphone to start telling your story. If you are wondering about video, that's next in our series.