You know that having events is a great way to promote your business. But who has the time or the resources?
If the idea of having an event seems daunting, that's because you haven't experienced the joy—and success—of today's popular "micro events." These small but mighty events took off during the pandemic because people were looking for ways to stay connected. Even though many were and still are virtual, they have evolved into small-scale, easy-to-manage happenings
An "event" could be something as simple as a weekly special—residents come in on Wednesdays and get 10% off, for example. You could offer a free demo, let's say a cocktail-making class, or you could give the first 5 people to come in wearing green (or whatever color you choose) a free breakfast sandwich or smoothie.
Micro events are popping up in all kinds of places, such as the current art exhibit in the Starbucks Community Store.
The more we support one another, the stronger we all become! Take the opportunity to plan a joint event with other downtown businesses. You can draw from a new audience, reduce your costs and staffing needs and reach more people.
See what's happening and find out how you can be a part of it. Or plan your own event and invite others to participate.
Why not snap some photos and video clips to show people having a great time at your event (with their permission, of course)?
People will be sorry they missed it, and will want to know when the next one is happening. How can they find out? By signing up for your emails and following you on social media!
Your email subscribers are some of your most loyal customers (after all, they signed up to get information from you). And events are a great way to grow your email lists. You can have a drawing during the event to capture email addresses, or ask people for their email address when they sign up for or sign into an event. Just be sure to let them know they will be added to your list.
Ready to plan your own micro event? We are happy to offer our suggestions and guidance.